Medium-sized companies who wish to combine their activities in one location, as well as corporations with production and location networks worldwide, are all facing increasing challenges. Making locations sustainable requires expanding company headquarters, building production facilities or opening new branches.
The development opportunities an innovative location concept has to offer often involve large investments. The typically limited resources call for well-founded decisions. That’s where site development and factory planning are always key. Objective assessments of the status quo and the forecasted company development are further decision criteria.
Our team of site development and factory planning experts offers years of experience in assessing of inventory, planning and implementing modern processes for production, logistics, laboratory, administration and infrastructure. We uncover potential based on our understanding of the various company processes and unlock them together with our clients. In our moderated CoLabs, we actively include all participants in the development process. Using this approach, we develop together an integral and sustainable concept, which in turn leads to the creation of a custom master plan.